Bags of wholesale sweets and chocolates can be a great asset for many events and occasions. Candy bars have become a familiar site at weddings whilst seasons like Valentine’s Day and Easter all command the need for delicious sweets. This part of our site highlights many such events (changing throughout the year) in addition to listing sweets by colour for when coordination is required.
Given that sweets give pleasure to all ages, it’s not surprising that their use is widespread. Few weddings don’t have some type of confectionery involved these days, even if it’s just the wedding favours for the ladies or perhaps a handful of wrapped sweets on each table to offer a bit of fun (Love Hearts being a popular choice). With this in mind, we stock a wide selection of heart sweets too – always a key choice for romantic occasions. Though anything can really go at weddings today and candy bars or pick and mix sweets displays can be created in a most bespoke manner to suit the style of the occasion.
Quite often, colour becomes an important consideration and whilst many sweets are more than one colour, we’ve got plenty to offer, whatever hue of the rainbow you wish to coordinate with. From red sweets, pink, sweets, blue sweets and even purple sweets, we’ve created a category in this section of our website to help you find what you want quickly and make an informed choice.
Whilst “event” might not be exactly the right description for the winter months, there’s definitely a season for winter sweets and we’ve got it covered! Army and Navy, Cough Candy, Grays Herbals, Throat and Chest…yes there’s quite a theme and they’ve got a loyal fan club. Soothing and clearing, these mainly boiled sweets can offer comfort on cold, blustery days. Though don’t assume that sales will only come in the winter – many are sought out during the summer too!
Regular Price: £6.99
Special Price £5.00 (Ex. VAT) £6.00 (Inc. VAT)
Regular Price: £3.49
Special Price £1.50 (Ex. VAT) £1.80 (Inc. VAT)
Regular Price: £3.49
Special Price £1.50 (Ex. VAT) £1.80 (Inc. VAT)
Regular Price: £3.49
Special Price £1.50 (Ex. VAT) £1.80 (Inc. VAT)