Our best-selling sweets can be found in this category – relief for many that might feel spoilt for choice! With so many formats and flavours, traditional and modern tastes, colours and sizes, this handy list will serve you well if you’re new to buying wholesale sweets. Yet it will also fill in some gaps for those looking for new ideas.
Top sweets tend to be proven strong sellers and this is great news for sweet shops who want to keep their customers coming back for more. It’s always sensible to review your range from time to time, identifying products that are not working for you and replacing them with stronger sellers. This process will clearly help to grow your sales and ensure that you’re not wasting shelf space.
However, whilst stocking best-selling sweets is important, offering variety is also key. Shoppers like to find something new and different, so always inject some fun into your range with new ideas that are not to be found on this least – you might be surprised!
Many of the best sweets have been selling well for generations. These include varieties like bon bons – now available in both traditional and modern flavours. Some of our biggest sellers include Blue Raspberry Bon Bons, Lemon Bon Bons and Strawberry Bon Bons. You’ll also find Jelly Babies, Cola Bottles and Mini Eggs on any list of top sweets, plus all-time favourites such as Swizzels Love Hearts.
Sweets that sell are generally visually attractive and that tends to mean colourful and sometimes in a fun shape. They have to appeal to the eye before they favour the taste buds. You’ll find that you go through the same process when you browse our range of best-selling sweets.
But even this list of top sweets might swamp you with choice. So, if you need any help or advice, you’ll find a friend at the end of an email or phone – please just get in touch and we’d be happy to help you with your order.
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